Cornhole Rules

Each team must consist of a minimum of 2 Cornhole players and a maximum of 4 Cornhole players, 21 years of age or older.  Teams may consist of all males, all females, or co-ed.  Teams who have more than 2 players may rotate players between rounds. If a teammate is absent, one substitute can be recruited to play (only during regular session games) or the player may play alone. A team playing with only one player will start each game with a 0-5 score.

Boards are placed approximately 27’ apart from each other (measuring from the front of each board).  Boards are placed approximately 24’ to 27' apart from each other (measuring from the front of each board) for indoor play.

FXA provides all the equipment. This consists of 2 Official FXA Cornhole Boards and 8 bags.  4 bags are one color and 4 are a different color.  Teams may bring their own bags.

There will be a sport host managing game play and questions; however, each game and match will be self-scored and then reported to the host. Team captains must be cordial and agree on scores.


  • League shirts will be provided and are your team’s uniform.  They must be worn during league play and worn to receive league drink/food discounts at the venue.
  • For honors (the team that tosses first), Rock, Paper, Scissors will be played (best 2 out of 3 shoots).
  • 2 players per team on opposite sides, with 4 bags each.  Teams who have more than 2 players may rotate between games, but the same 2 players must complete each game.
  • Opponents alternate tossing the bags onto the board/into the hole, until all 8 bags have been thrown.
  • Bags may be knocked off the board or in the hole by other tossed bags.
  • The last team to score on a previous round will have honors.
  • The thrower must stand behind the front foot line (the front edge of the board) of the Cornhole board.  They may toss from either side of the board.
  • Each match will last approximately 60 minutes.  Teams will play a total of 5 games each match within that time allotment.  If there is time left over, teams may continue to play for fun. If time runs out, games will end with the current score.  Stoppage of play or extending past the 60 minute mark to finish a game will be determined by the league host.


  • Teams will play a total of 5 games each match, so game scores should be recorded 5-0, 4-1, 3-2, 2-3, 1-4, 0-5.
  • Playoffs are best of 3 games for quarter-finals, and best of 5 games for semi-finals and championships.
  • First team to score or exceed 21 points wins the game.
  • 3 points for a bag in the hole and 1 point for a bag on the board.
  • Cancelation scoring.  For example, Team 1 gets one bag in the hole and one bag on the board = 4 points.  Team 2 gets one bag in the hole = 3 points. The final score from that round would be Team 1 with 1 point (4-3=1).


  • When pitching a bag, players must release the bag before any part of the player’s body touches the ground on or beyond the foul line. If the thrower crosses the front foot line before the toss, they lose that toss (give or take a few inches) and the bag may be removed from the board.
  • If someone tosses out of turn, they lose that toss and the bag may be removed from the board.
  • Bags hitting the ground first and rolling onto the board do not count.  You may remove the bag from the board.
  • Bags hanging off the board and touching the ground do not count.
  • Bags hanging off the board and resting on another bag, which is on the floor, do not count.  However, if the bag on the ground can be removed without making the hanging bag fall to the ground, then one point is given.
  • If there is any type of interference, the player may toss again.

Teams forfeiting two nights of play in one season are eligible to be removed from the league with no refund. Teams that forfeit their third night of play will automatically be removed from the league with no refund. Teams are encouraged to send at least one player or contact FXA’s office to inform us you will be forfeiting.


  1. Head to head results.
  2. The least amount of points scored against.
  3. The higher points scored differential.
  4. Coin toss.