- A player demonstrates control of a live thrown ball (by opponent) with at least one foot inbounds, on the playing surface, and no other part of the player out of bounds. Result: thrower is out.
- An inbound, airborne player/catcher demonstrates control of a live thrown ball (by opponent) Result: thrower is out. Airborne Catcher: A player that leaves the playing surface from inbounds-prior to catching the ball in an attempt to catch a thrown ball. If the ball is controlled while airborne and before going out of bounds, the catch is legal.
- If an airborne player lands out of bounds they are immediately OUT. Note: In this case, if control is demonstrated before landing out of bounds both the thrower and catcher are OUT – in that order.
- A player that contacts (is hit with) a live thrown ball inbounds and in an attempt to catch it leaves the floor, the player must control the ball with one foot inbounds for the catch to be legal. Note: A player may not become airborne (even if they control the ball while airborne) following the initial contact with the live ball and subsequently land out of bounds. The player must land inbounds.