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How do I upload my Headshot Profile Photo?

*Important* This must be a HEADSHOT Photo! Please do not upload a photo of yourself below your shoulders, as it'll be removed.

We will now be requiring a headshot photo to be uploaded to your FXA account. This photo is intended to expedite roster checks, check-in processes and help with the overall safety of our league.  Here's what you need to do:
  1. Take a current profile picture of your face (this can be one already in your camera roll). The headshot photo must be of only you, and just of your face. Think of a work ID photo, passport or drivers license photo. We just need a clear picture of your face (no sunglasses, hats, or other people), so you may need to crop the photo.
  2. On a mobile or desktop browser only, visit https://fxasports.leagueapps.com/dashboard to log into your dashboard, then click "Choose Photo" to upload a photo. You can also go to edit profile and then "Choose Photo" from there.
    IMG_0950 (1)Mobile View

    Account-member-dashboard-FXA-Sports desktop finalDesktop View

  3. Select the .JPEG, .JPG or .PNG photo you wish to upload, click upload and you're all set. **If the upload doesn't work, it is most likely too large (photo cannot be larger than 1000 x 1000 px and 2MB), so please use this link to resize your picture using a Desktop browser (mobile instructions are below): https://www.reduceimages.com/
  4. You can only upload the photo once, so if you upload a bad or incorrect photo, you'll have to email  and attach the new photo for our staff to upload.
  5. If you have any questions, or need a photo previously uploaded that doesn't meet these requirements removed, please email the new photo to
  6. Examples of a good headshot profile photo:
     Anissa Granillo pic Peter Nguyen Nadia Cathan Jason Vasas 

Follow the below steps to resize your photo on a Mobile Browser using https://www.reduceimages.com:
    1. Visit https://www.reduceimages.com & click on the blue Select Image button and select your .JPEG, .JPG or .PNG photo (any photo in your photo gallery will work)
    2. Under Choose new size and format, change Percent to Pixels
    3. In the H field, enter 1000 and the W field should auto populate 
    4. Check to make sure Format is JPG and Quality is 90% (should be default), then click the blue Resize Image button
    5. Scroll down a bit to see "Your Image has been resized!" with your small thumbnail photo below
    6. Press and long hold your small photo, then select Save Image
    7. Your resized photo is now in your photo gallery
    *Please Note - If you're using an Android phone, there's a known issue with the www.reduceimages.com website, so use a desktop browser to resize your photo.
  1. A government ID (driver's license or passport) will no longer be accepted at the field! Headshot photos must be uploaded before arriving to the field.