The principles of sportsmanship are central to our community. All players agree to abide by the sportsmanship policy at all times during FXA Sports games, events, and activities.
FXA Sports endorses the principles of good sportsmanship, and is committed to fostering a community of respect, tolerance and safety for all participants. Please see our Code of Conduct for our community expectations. Violations will not be tolerated by FXA Sports.
Unsportsmanlike actions can include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Fighting, pushing or excessively violent fouls,
- Verbal/physical abuse directed toward an official or opponent,
- Profanity or obscene gestures,
- Racially, ethnically, gender, or other identity-motivated language,
- Sexual Harassment,
- Taunting, trash talking, baiting or physically intimidating an official or opponent,
- Cheating,
- Throwing or abusing equipment.
Automatic Penalties for Select Unsportsmanlike Actions:
- Any player caught using racially or identity-motivated language will be automatically ejected from that game, and will carry additional suspension at the discretion of the league.
- A second offense will result in a one year suspension from all FXA Sports activities
- A third offense will result in a permanent ban from All FXA Sports activities
- Any player who threatens another individual will be automatically ejected from that game, and will carry additional suspension at the discretion of the league.
- A second offense will result in a one year suspension from all FXA Sports activities
- A third offense will result in a permanent ban from All FXA Sports activities
- Fighting (punching, kicking, or other conduct with the intent to cause injury, whether or not contact is made) will result in an automatic one year suspension from all FXA Sports activities.
- A second fighting offense will result in a permanent ban from all FXA Sports activities
- Any player who threatens the safety of a referee (to include threats, following them off the field, physical contact) will result in a minimum of a one year suspension and may carry additional suspensions (a permanent ban) at the discretion of the league.
Note: If a player is banned (or has a red card in soccer) that player cannot be removed from the roster until they serve their suspension.