Men's 8v8 Flag Football Rules

Except as otherwise noted in these rules, Virginia High School League (VHSL) Football rules will be in effect.


Each team shall field eight (8) male players. Teams that are not able to field a complete team may play with a minimum of six (6) players.

A maximum of two pick-up players will be permitted only when a team does not have enough of its own players present to field a team.  Teams are not permitted to use pickup players when sufficient roster players are present. A pick-up player is defined as a player on another roster in the same league and guest player is defined as a player NOT on another roster in the same league.  Guest players must sign the waiver at prior to participation.

The league requires the team captain or a team representative to provide the full name of each pick-up and/or guest player(s) before they can enter the field.  Any team that does not report their pick-up and/or guest player(s) may have that game result in a forfeit and the pick-up player(s) suspended.  In addition, the pick-up player will be in-eligible to play in any other league games that day/night.  A pick-up player can only play for the same team twice (2) in any league / season. This will eliminate teams illegally “sharing” players. 

If a player comes early to play/sub for another team that has a sufficient roster (8 or more players), they will not be allowed to play in any other games that day in that league.

Any player that is found to be on 2 rosters in the same league, will not be eligible to participate in any playoff games for that league. FXA Sports also has the authority to suspend and/or expel a player from the league and/or future game(s) at its discretion with no refund of monies for such acts.

It is illegal for a team to have more than eight (8) players on the field of play. Teams with coaches and/or additional players who enter the field of play without entering the game will be penalized for illegal participation.

A team may not have more than sixteen (16)  players on the roster.


If a player (other than the QB) begins the play without a flag belt, the player will be marked down at the spot where the ball was caught. There is no additional penalty because the player has no opportunity to gain additional yardage. If the QB begins a play without a flag belt, they are down as soon as they receive the snap, and loss of down.

All men’s teams must provide their own flag belts. Only Sonic Pop Flag-A-Tag and Shruumz flag belts are allowed to be used.

Flag belts must be fastened outside of all clothing with nothing obstructing them. If, during a play, any clothing obstructs the defenses ability to grab a flag (shirt is hanging over the flag belt), then the player will be called down at the first instance that the defense had a chance to pull the flag. A ball carrier whose flag-belt falls off inadvertently during a play will be considered down upon a one-handed touch. However, if any player gains possession of the ball without properly secured flags, then they will be down as soon as they touch/catch the ball. 


Teams should have the same color shirts and have an alternative color (one dark color/one light color). They do not have to be numbered or official uniforms. If both teams are wearing the same color, the Away team (1st team listed on the schedule) will need to change into a different color. Failure to provide a secondary uniform or unwillingness to change will result in a forfeit. 

Players may not wear tights, underwear, or thermal undergarments not intended as exterior wear.

Players shorts cannot be the same color as the flags on the belt. The shorts must be a contrasting color determined by the official.

Due to safety reasons, players cannot wear any article of clothing that contains pockets (shorts, pants, jackets, sweatshirts, hand warmers, etc). If a player wears an article of clothing with pockets, they will not be allowed to wear a flag belt and will be marked down at the spot where the ball was caught. FXA does not permit players to tape their pockets or turn them inside out; only if shorts are double-lined where the pocket is concealed inside the lining may a player turn their shorts inside out.


For all plays, the ball used must be a regulation NFHS/NCAA/NFL sized football.


The game will be divided into two 20-22 minute halves. Each team is allowed two 30 second timeouts per half. Unused timeouts will not carry over from one period to another. The offensive team will have 30 seconds to snap the ball once the referee has made the ball ready for play. The official game clock will be maintained by a referee and will run continuously except for time-outs or serious injury–following an injury timeout, the game clock should resume following the ready-for-play whistle.. The clock will stop during the final 2 minutes of each half for the following occurrences:

  • Incomplete pass
  • Player advancing the ball goes out of bounds
  • Change of possession
  • Either team scores. (The clock will not continue until the opposing team snaps the ball after the PAT attempt. The clock does not run during extra points.)
  • Penalty
  • Time Out

If a team is leading by 17 points or more, the clock will run continuously during the last two minutes of play. In this scenario, the team that is winning will not be allowed to use any timeouts that is has left if they are on offense.


Teams must be lined up on opposite sidelines. Before the start of the game the referee will toss a coin in the presence of opposing captains, after first designating which captain shall call the toss. The team that wins the coin flip at the start of the game must choose one of the following:

  • Offense
  • Defense
  • To defer the choice of the above options to begin the second half
  • The team that loses the coin flip shall select the direction for the 2nd half.


A kick-off (free kick) begins each half of a game, and begins play following a touchdown, field goal, or safety. The ball shall be put in play by a place kick from some spot on the kicking teams restraining line: the 40 yard line, or from the 20 yard line following a safety. The receiving teams restraining line will be 20 yards from the kicking teams restraining line.

No player of the kicking team may touch a free kick before it reaches the receiving teams restraining line. Thereafter, all players of the kicking team are eligible to touch, recover, or catch the kick. No player of the kicking team may interfere with the receiving teams opportunity to catch the ball. A free kick touched by a player of the kicking team which then touches the ground is dead at the spot at which it touches the ground. If first touched before reaching the restraining line of the receiving team, it belongs to the receiving team. If first touched after reaching the restraining line of the receiving team, the ball belongs to the kicking team. A free kick touched by a player on the receiving team, which then touches the ground, is dead at the spot at which it touches the ground and belongs to the receiving team.

A kick caught or recovered by a player on the receiving team continues in play; if caught or recovered by the kicking team, the ball becomes dead.


  • Must be snapped a minimum of 7 yards back from the line of scrimmage to the holder.
  • The holder must be stationary and can stand or kneel to receive the snap, but must catch the ball in the air and place it on the ground for the kicker to kick.
  • The defense can only jump to block the FG, they are not allowed to rush or cross the line of scrimmage
  • Holders may not use a kicking tee/block or their foot/shoe to raise/hold the ball. The ball must be placed on the ground, and held with one finger (same as College/NFL)

A missed FG recovered by the defense is returnable by the defense.

  • Any yardage gained or points scored will stand just as on a play from scrimmage.
  • A missed FG not returned will result in the ball being returned to the original line of scrimmage and the defense taking possession.
  • A missed FG where the original line of scrimmage was inside the 20 yard line will be spotted at the 20 yard line when the defense takes possession.


A punt must be declared and cannot be faked. The referee shall notify the defensive team prior to the ball being made ready-for-play.

  • Punts must be snapped just like all other plays from scrimmage.
  • Punts must be kicked and cannot be thrown.
  • The kicking team may not cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is kicked.
  • Downfield blocking is not permitted.
  • The receiving team may not raise hands or jump to block a punt.
  • The kicking team may down the punt, but may not recover a punt.
  • A punt through the end zone will be spotted at the 20-yard line. If a player drops the ball in the end zone, the ball is spotted at the 20-yard line and is not counted as a safety.


Before the ball is snapped into play, the head referee may announce when the line is legally set and play can begin. The QB does not have to wait until the referee makes this announcement, however, the line must be legally set before a snap can occur.

  • To begin each play, the ball must be snapped by a center to the QB who is lined up behind the center.
  • Silent counts / snaps are legal.
  • Players may shift and change formations prior to the snap of the ball, but all players must be set for 1 second before the snap, or before a player goes in motion
    • One player is allowed in motion at the time the ball is snapped, but cannot be moving towards the line of scrimmage.
    • The player in motion may not receive the snap directly.
  • A snap from center is not required on declared punts. A minimum of four players must be lined up (set) at the line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball.

The "skip rule" is now in effect for all snaps–the ball may skip one time in front of the quarterback, provided it is then fielded cleanly by the quarterback.


All players are eligible to receive a forward pass. During a scrimmage down and before team possession has changed, a forward pass may be thrown provided some part of the passers body remains behind the line of scrimmage.

The offense may make as many forward passes as desired from in or behind the neutral zone. Once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage (run or pass), all subsequent forward passes during that down, are illegal. 


A player must have one (1) foot in bounds for a legal catch.


The ball will be spotted wherever the ball was at the time of the flag pull or the ball carrier left the field-of-play.


Should an inadvertent whistle blow, the team in possession of the ball at the time of the whistle will have two options: take the result of the play with the ball declared dead at the spot where the whistle was blown, or replay the down from the original line of scrimmage. If an inadvertent whistle is blown during a pass play while the ball is in the air, the play will be declared dead and replayed from the original line of scrimmage.


There will be no overtime during the regular season. In the playoffs, overtime will consist of each team having one offensive possession starting at the opponents 20-yard line. A second coin toss shall determine order and direction. The team winning the coin toss shall have the option to elect offense first, defense first, or select the end to be used for the overtime period(s). Both teams shall go the same direction on offense for the entirety of overtime.

The offensive team will have 4 un-timed downs to score a touchdown (all regular penalties will apply during the overtime period). If a touchdown is scored the offensive team will have the same conversion options that applied in regulation.. If teams are tied after the 1st overtime period, the process will be repeated until a winner is determined. Starting with the 3rd overtime period, teams will be required to attempt a 2-point conversion upon scoring a touchdown.


There is limited blocking and contact; however there will be no tackling permitted in the league. Players acting as offensive linemen can use their hands to block defensive rushers (between their shoulders and waist) when protecting the quarterback. Offensive linemen can position their bodies at any particular angle in an attempt to direct the rushers to a particular area and can use their hands to protect the QB.

No downfield blocking/tackling is permitted. Illegal contact includes tripping, contact with the QB, any intentional contact by an opposing player, and contact with an opposing player after a ball is tipped. Also note that rough play may result in an unsportsmanlike penalty. Anyone in violation of this rule is subject to penalty, suspension and/or expulsion from the league.

We have a 1-Pace Rush Line that only allows defensive players who are behind this line to rush the QB. IT IS ILLEGAL FOR DEFENSIVE RUSHERS TO RUN THROUGH AN OFFENSIVE BLOCKER TO PURSUE THE QB.

Violation of this rule is a 10-yard penalty/previous spot/replay down.

This restriction gives defensive rushers 2 options:

  1. Do a speed rush, but must run around the offensive blocker to pursue the QB
  2. Run towards the line-of-scrimmage; slow down when approaching an offensive blocker; engage contact; and then use legal means to pursue the QB

A legal block consists of contact with open hands (with palms facing the opponent) to the area between the waist and shoulders. Blocking is restricted to at or behind the line-of-scrimmage. These contact rules apply to both offensive blockers and defensive rushers.

Illegal blocks consist of any of the following:

  • Contact below the waist or above the shoulders
  • Blocking in the back
  • Blocking using forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, legs, or anything besides open hands
  • Holding
  • Blocking past the line-of-scrimmage (this will be penalized as downfield blocking)

Illegal blocks will result in a 10-yard penalty/previous spot/replay down. For offensive players, there is NO downfield blocking.

Please keep in mind that we are allowing LIMITED contact in this league. Any excessive and/or intentional contact is subject to a personal foul and/or expulsion from the league.


For defensive players, bump-and-run/jamming of receivers is allowed within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage, and is defined as open hands to the chest/shoulders.

Any contact beyond 5 yards will result in:

  • A Defensive Holding penalty (5 yard penalty/previous spot/auto 1st down), or
  • An Illegal Contact penalty (10-yard penalty/previous spot/replay down).


Each team shall have four downs to earn a first down or score. First downs are achieved when a team crosses either of the 20 yard markers (20, 20) based on its original field position. Offensive teams may elect to punt on fourth downs. All punts are live and may be fielded after bouncing on the ground. However, if a receiving player muffs (touches) the ball and it hits the ground, the play is dead. If a team does not punt, fails to score or earn a first down the opposing team will obtain possession.


The scoring shall be assigned as follows:

  • Touchdown: All touchdowns will be awarded 6 points
  • Extra Point(s):
    • Play from the 5 yd line – 1-point
    • Play from the 10 yd line – 2-points
    • Kick from the 10 yard line (snapped from the 3 yard line) – 1 point
  • Field Goal: All Field Goals will be awarded 3 points

The defense may return an interception for two points on a two-point conversion attempt.


Once the line of scrimmage has been marked, the referee will walk off one (1) pace in the direction the offense is going and place another marker. This 1 pace marker is the RUSH LINE. Only defensive players that are behind this marker when the ball is snapped may cross the line of scrimmage to rush the QB. No players lined up within this zone, may rush the QB. If the QB pitches the ball or hands-off to another offensive player, any defensive player may cross the line of scrimmage, no matter where they were lined up before the snap. If the line of scrimmage is between the goal line and the one-yard line, the RUSH LINE will be the goal line. The rush line can never be placed inside the endzone.

Note: The RUSH LINE will not be applicable when the QB is lined up directly behind the CENTER to receive the snap of the ball; that is, when the CENTER hands the ball to the QB at the snap. In such situations, defensive players lined up in front of the RUSH LINE may rush the QB.


Play shall continue until:

  • Ball carrier has flag-belt pulled by an opponent (see flag specifics for the few exceptions/additions concerning flag pulling)
  • Ball carrier leaves the field of play
  • Ball carrier scores
  • Ball carrier’s knee touches the ground
  • Ball touches the ground


The ball will be spotted where the ball is at the time the ball carrier’s flag is pulled. If the ball crosses the plane of the goal line before the ball carrier’s flag has been pulled it will result in a touchdown (ball extension).


A change of possession (not after a score) can only occur due to downs or an interception. A fumble is not a turnover and the play is considered dead at the point of the fumble. A lateral may be intercepted and returned by the opposing team.


Flag guarding is not allowed. Flag guarding is defined as any action that is made with the arms, hands, or legs that prevents a player from being able to pull another player’s flag. A player engaging in flag guarding will be penalized. It is illegal to pull the flag of a player who does not have possession of the football. Throwing flag belts after making a pull is not allowed, and can be penalized as a personal foul.

It is a penalty for a ball carrier to stiff-arm, charge into, or deliberately try to knock over a defensive player. 


A ball carrier may not dive (diving is defined as a player leaving their feet without returning to their feet) in an effort to gain extra yardage.







Flag Guarding

5 Yards

Spot Foul

Next Down


5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down

Downfield Blocking

10 Yards

Spot Foul

Next Down

False Start (*Dead Ball Foul)

5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down

Illegal Contact/Pick (Pre-Pass)

10 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down

Illegal Contact/Pick (Post-Pass)

10 Yards

Spot Foul

Next Down

Illegal Forward Pass

5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Loss of Down

Illegal Motion

5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down

Illegal Participation

5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down

Illegal Formation

5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down

Offensive Pass Interference

10 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down


5 Yards

Spot Foul

Next Down








Illegal Rushing

5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down


5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down

Illegal Contact

10 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down

Pass Interference

15 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Auto 1st Down

Roughing the Passer

15 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Auto 1st Down

Holding (on Run Plays)*

10 Yards

End of Run

Next Down

Holding (on Pass Plays)

5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Auto 1st Down

Illegal Flag Pull

5 Yards

Spot Foul

Next Down

Illegal Stripping

5 Yards

End of Run

Next Down

Illegal Participation

5 Yards

Previous L.O.S.

Replay Down








Arguing w/ Official

15 Yards

End of Play

Next Down

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

15 Yards

End of Play

Auto 1st Down

Defensive Excessive Contact / Rough Play

15 Yards

End of Play

Auto 1st Down

Offensive Excessive Contact / Rough Play

15 Yards

End of Play

Loss of Down

Penalty Clarifications

  • Down and distance to gain are determined after enforcing all live ball penalties
    • Example: On 4th down from the opponent's 24 yard line (4th and 4), player A1 advances the ball to the 15 yard line, but flag guards at the 18 yard line. The 5 yard penalty is assessed from the 18 yard line and the ball is spotted at the 23 yard line. Team A did not gain the zone line-to-gain, and thus turns the ball over on downs. It is Team B's ball, 1st down on the 23 yard line.

Defensive Penalty Clarifications

  • Holding
    • Replay the down if the penalty occurs on 4th down or inside the 10-yard line
    • *Holding behind the LOS on any ball carrier who is eligible to pass clarification: 10 yard penalty from the previous LOS, replay the down. 
  • Illegal Contact is defined as:
    • Tripping
    • Contact with the QB
    • Any intentional contact by an opposing player (referee discretion)
    • Contact with an opposing player after a ball is tipped
    • Rough play may result in an unsportsmanlike penalty
  • Illegal Stripping - It is illegal to bat or strip a ball from a player’s hand.
  • A game cannot end on a defensive penalty even if time expires. One un-timed down will be required to complete the game.

Offensive Penalty Clarifications

  • Illegal Contact is defined as:
    • Pushing Off
    • Any other intentional contact by an offensive player on a defensive player in the field of play

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

  • Examples:
    • Any unsportsmanlike conduct (towards players, referees, league staff, coaches, sidelines, spectators) - 15 yards/Possible Ejection & Automatic 1st Down
    • Excessive Contact/Rough Play
  • If official determines that contact was initiated with intent to harm, the offending player will be ejected from the game. The player must leave the field of play immediately. If the player does not leave the field his/her team may be charged with a forfeit for the game regardless of score or time remaining. Any player ejected from a game may not play in any other games that day.
  • The ejected player may not play in future games without league approval.
  • An official may call a forfeit for unsportsmanlike conduct. Even if the game has ended, an official may call a forfeit.
  • The League has the authority to suspend and/or expel a player or team from the league and/or future game(s) at its discretion with no refund of monies for such acts.
  • Fighting: see Sportsmanship Policy